Part 19
88 : In XPath, I wants to practice partial tally on attribute value from beginning. Tell me 2 functions using which I tin practice It.
Answer : We tin usage bellow given 2 functions alongside XPath to discovery chemical constituent for software spider web page using attribute value from beginning.
89 : I convey used findElements In my software exam case. It Is returning NoSuchElementException when non chemical constituent found. Correct me If I am wrong.
89 : I convey used findElements In my software exam case. It Is returning NoSuchElementException when non chemical constituent found. Correct me If I am wrong.
Answer : It Is Incorrect. findElements volition never return NoSuchElementException. It volition render but an empty list.
90 : My Firefox browser Is non Installed at green place. How tin I state FirefoxDriver to usage It?
Answer : If Firefox browsers Is Installed at closed to unlike house than the green house hence you lot needs to supply the actual path of Firefox.exe file every bit bellow.
System.setProperty("webdriver.firefox.bin","C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\Firefox.exe"); driver =new FirefoxDriver();
91 : How to practice custom firefox profile in addition to how to usage It In selenium webdriver software test?
Answer : You tin persuasion detailed response for firefox custom profile on THIS PAGE.
92 : What versions of Internet Explorer are supported past times selenium WebDriver software testing tool?
Answer : Till date, Selenium WebDriver software testing tool supports IE 6, 7, 8, 9, ten in addition to eleven alongside appropriate combinations of Windows 7, Vista or XP.