Positive as well as Negative Testing

Positive in addition to Negative Testing

1) What is ?
2) Positive in addition to Negative Testing
3) Positive Testing
4) Negative Testing
5) Test Design Techniques used for Positive in addition to Negative Testing:
6) Positive in addition to Negative Test Cases
1) What is ?

Testing is the procedure of evaluating a organisation or its component(s) amongst the intent to uncovering whether it satisfies the specified requirements or not. In addition 
executing a organisation inward fellowship to position whatever gaps, errors, or missing requirements in opposite to the actual requirements.
2) Positive in addition to Negative Testing

Accepting valid input data, simultaneously rejecting Invalid input is called
Positive in addition to Negative Testing...

Ex: Suppose Phone Number champaign is in that place inward our application, It has to accept
10 digit numeric values exclusively equally per requirements, 

Then It has to convey 10 digit numeric values in addition to turn down other values (Other than 10 digit numeric values)
3) Positive Testing

Positive Testing is testing procedure where the organisation is validated against the 
valid input data. In this testing, tester ever banking concern gibe for exclusively valid gear upwardly of 
values in addition to banking concern gibe if a application behaves equally expected amongst its expected inputs. 
The principal intention of this testing is to banking concern gibe whether software application does 
that what it is supposed to do.

Example of Positive Testing:
Consider a scenario where nosotros desire to attempt an application which contains a simple text box to locomote inward historic current in addition to requirements nation that it should convey exclusively numerical values. So hither render exclusively positive numerical values to banking concern gibe whether it is working equally expected or non is the Positive Testing.

Age: 45
4) Negative Testing

Negative Testing, usually referred to equally fault path testing or failure testing is done to ensure the stability of the application. Negative testing is the process 
of applying equally much inventiveness equally possible in addition to validating the application against 
invalid data.

In Negative Testing the organisation is validated past times providing invalid information equally input. A 
negative attempt checks if an application behaves equally expected amongst its negative 
inputs. This is to attempt the application that does non produce anything that it is not 
supposed to produce so.

Example of Negative Testing :
Considering instance equally nosotros know telephone no champaign accepts exclusively numbers in addition to does not accept the alphabets in addition to especial characters but if nosotros type alphabets in addition to special characters on telephone reveal champaign to banking concern gibe it accepts the alphabets in addition to special characters or non than it is negative testing.

Phone Number: abcdef
 Test Design Techniques used for Positive in addition to Negative Testing Positive in addition to Negative Testing
5) Test Design Techniques used for Positive in addition to Negative Testing

Following techniques are used for Positive in addition to negative validation of testing is:

i) Equivalence Partitioning 
ii) Boundary Value Analysis
i) Equivalence Partitioning:

This is a software testing technique which divides the input information into many 
partitions .Values from each sectionalization must last tested at to the lowest degree once.  Partitions 
with valid values are used for Positive Testing. While ,partitions amongst invalid 
values are used for negative testing.

ii) Boundary Value Analysis:

This is ane of the software testing technique inward which the attempt cases are designed to include values at the  boundary. If the input information is used inside the boundary value limits, thus it is said to last Positive Testing. If the input information is picked outside the boundary value limits, thus it is said to last Negative Testing.
6) Positive in addition to Negative Test Cases

Remember, Positive Test instance ever exclusively for a Positive test scenario,
Example: Login to the Application amongst valid input data

Positive  Test Case: Login to the Application amongst Valid Username in addition to valid password.

But several negative Test cases for a negative attempt scenario,
Example: Application rejects Login for Invalid input data

Negative Test Case 1: Login to the Application amongst Invalid Username in addition to valid Password.

Negative Test Case 2: Login to the Application amongst valid username in addition to Invalid Password.

Negative Test Case 3: Login to the Application amongst Invalid username in addition to Invalid password.

Negative Test Case 4: Login to the Application amongst username blank in addition to valid 

Negative Test Case 5: Login to the Application amongst username blank in addition to password blank, etc...

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