Introduction to Web Services Testing

Introduction to Web Services Testing

1) What is Web Service?
> Web Services is the machinery or the medium of communication through which two applications / machines volition central the information irrespective of their underline architecture together with the technology.

2) Why is Web Service Needed?
> In general, software applications are developed to travel consumed yesteryear the human beings, where a someone sends a asking to a software service which in-turn returns  a reply inward human readable format.

> In the modern era of engineering scientific discipline if you lot desire to construct a software application you don't need to construct each together with everything from scratch. There are lots of ready-made services available which you lot tin plug into your application together with you lot tin start providing those services inward your application.

For illustration you lot desire to display weather condition forecast information you lot don't need to collect, procedure together with homecoming the information inward your application. You tin purchase the services from the people who already well-established inward processing together with publishing such kind of data.

Web services permit us to create these form of implementations. 

3) How to implement Web Services?

> Web Services tin travel implemented inward dissimilar ways, only the next 2 are the popular implementations approaches.

i) SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
ii) REST (Representational State Transfer architecture)

4) What is SOAP?

> SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a measure protocol defined yesteryear the W3C Standard for sending together with receiving spider web service requests together with responses.

> SOAP uses the XML format to post together with have the asking together with so the information is platform independent data. SOAP messages are exchanged betwixt the provider applications together with receiving application inside the SOAP envelops.

> As SOAP uses the uncomplicated http carry protocol, its messages are non got 
blocked yesteryear the firewalls. 

5) What is REST?

> REST way Representational State Transfer; it is an architecture that generally runs over HTTP. 

> The REST trend emphasizes the interactions betwixt clients together with services, which are enhanced yesteryear having a express issue of operations. 

> REST is an option to SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) together with instead of using XML for asking REST uses uncomplicated URL inward to a greater extent than or less cases.

6) What is WSDL?

> WSDL (Web Services Description Language) is an XML based linguistic communication which volition be used to depict the services offered yesteryear a spider web service.

7) What is Web Service Testing?

Web Services Testing is testing of Web services together with its Protocols similar SOAP & REST. 

To essay a Web Service you lot can,

> Test Manually
> Create your ain Automation Code
> Use an off-the shelf automation tool similar SoapUI.

WebService Testing involves next steps -

i) Understand the WSDL file
ii) Determine the operations that detail spider web service provides
iii) Determine the XML asking format which nosotros need to send
iv) Determine the reply XML format
v) Using a tool or writing code to post asking together with validate the response

Suppose nosotros desire to essay a Web Service which provides Currency Conversion Facility. It volition the electrical flow conversion rates betwixt the dissimilar countries currency. This service nosotros tin job inward our applications to convert the values from 1 currency to the other currency.

8) Using a Tool or Writing Code to Test Web Services....

> There are lots of tools available to essay spider web services. SoapUI is 1 of the 
popular tool which volition help us to essay the spider web services. 

> In fact you lot tin job the whatever programming language which is capable of sending the XML asking to the spider web service provider application over the http together with able to parse together with validate the reply XML against the expected result. 

In our case, nosotros tin essay the WebService, 

> Using Java
> Using SoapUI

9) What is SoapUI?

> SoapUI is an opened upwards source, cross-platform testing tool. It tin automate functional, regression, compliance together with charge testing of both SOAP together with REST spider web services.  

> It comes amongst an easy-to-use graphical interface together with supports industry-leading technologies together with standards to mock together with induce demeanor of spider web services.

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