SQL Commands too Operations

 used for storing as well as managing information inward RDBMS SQL Commands as well as Operations
SQL Commands as well as Operations

SQL is a ascendency based language, used for storing as well as managing information inward RDBMS. SQL doesn't convey Control Flow (Conditional, Loop, as well as Branching Statements), but SQL has Comments, Data Types, Operators, Functions etc...programming features.

RDBMS(MySQL, Oracle, Infomix, Sybase, MS Access) uses SQL every bit the criterion database language. SQL is used to perform all type of information operations inward RDBMS.

SQL Commands tin hold out divided into the next categories,

1) Data definition Language (DDL)
2) Data Manipulation Language (DML)
3) Transaction Control Language (TCL)
4) Data Control Language (DCL)
1) Data definition Language (DDL)

Data definition Language Commands are used to Create, Modify, as well as Drop the 
Structure of Database Objects similar Table, View, as well as Index etc...

Important DDL Commands

i) Create
ii) Alter
iii) Drop
iv) Truncate
v) Rename

Important DDL Operations

i) Create a Database
ii) Use Database
iii) Rename a Database
iv) Drop Database
v) Create a Table
vi) Rename Table
vii) Add a Column to exiting Table
viii) Add multiple columns to existing Table
ix) Modify an existing column
x) Rename a Column
xi) Drop a Column
xii) Truncate a Table
xiii) Drop a Table

2) Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Data Manipulation Language commands are used to store, modify, retrieve, and 
delete information from database tables.

Important Data manipulation linguistic communication Commands are,

i) SELECT – Retrieves information from a table
ii) INSERT –  Inserts information into a table
iii) UPDATE – Updates existing information into a table
iv) DELETE – Deletes all records from a table

3) Transaction Control Language (TCL)

These commands tin annul changes made past times other commands past times rolling dorsum to 
original soil as well as likewise brand changes permanent.

Important Transaction Control Language are,

i) Commit - To permanently save
ii) Rollback To undo change
iii) Savepoint To salve temporarily

4) Data Control Language (DCL)

These SQL Commands (DCL) are used to implement safety on Database objects like
Table, View, Stored Procedure etc...

Important Data Control Language are,

i) Grant - grant permission of right 
ii) Revoke - Take dorsum permission.
iii) Deny - Deny Permissions to a User

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