versus Manual Testing

versus Manual Testing

Software evolution tin ambit notice endure done using diverse Software, ex: Java, .NET etc...
but is mutual irrespective of Software evolution technology,

in addition to Manual Testing, r they same or unlike in addition to hence many people 
feeling is these are same, no, these are non same, 

Manual Testing is the substance of , afterward agreement the Manual
 Testing Process entirely nosotros tin ambit notice automate Software Test process,

tin ambit notice endure done inwards two ways,

1) Manual Testing
2) Automated Testing


Testing Computer in addition to / Or Mobile Software amongst honour to Software Requirements.

Manual Testing:
Testing Computer in addition to / Or Mobile Software manually without using whatever Test Tool or Test Script.

Automated Testing or Test Automation:
Testing Computer in addition to Or Mobile Software using whatever Test Tool or Test Script.

Note: Some Types of is non possible inwards Manual Testing, ex: performance Testing, in addition to Some Types of Testing is Not Possible using Test Tools/Automated, Testing Ex: usability Testing...
is basically two types, exactly roughly other types too there,

Two Important Types of ,

1) Functional Testing
2) Non Functional Testing

We tin ambit notice bear Functional Testing of the Software Manually or using Test Tools (Automated Testing or Test Automation),

Functional Testing is mandatory for every Software Application, exactly Non Functional Testing may may endure optional, required for roughly Software Applications, exactly exhibit both Functional in addition to Non Functional Testing are of import to meliorate the Quality of Software.

Popular Functional Test Tools:

1) HP - UFT (Formerly QTP)
2) Selenium
3) IBM - RFT
4) Micro Focus - SilkTest
5) TestComplete
6) TestPartner etc...

Popular Performance Test Tools:

1) HP - LoadRunner
2) IBM - RPT
3) JMeter
4) Micro Focus - Silk Performer etc...

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