Selenium Latest Videos

Selenium Latest Videos (96 Hours)

I) Selenium Fundamentals / Basics (10 Hours)
II) Java Standard Edition for Selenium (34 Hours)
III) Selenium WebDriver Tutorials (32 Hours)
IV) Selenium IDE Tutorial (2 Hours)
V) TestNG Testing Framework for Selenium (8 Hours)
VI) Selenium Live Project (10 Hours)
I) Selenium Fundamentals / Basics (10 Hours)

1) Introduction to Selenium Part-1

(Overview of Selenium, What is Selenium?, History of the Selenium Project, Selenium Components or Selenium's Tool Suite - Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver, as well as Selenium Grid.)

2)  Introduction to Selenium Part-2

(Overview of Selenium, Platforms supported yesteryear Selenium, Selenium License, Testing Frameworks & Other Tools used inwards Selenium, Advantages of Selenium, as well as Disadvantages of Selenium.)

3)  Introduction to Selenium Part-3

(Overview of Selenium, Selenium Vs. Unified Functional Testing / Quick Test Professional, Selenium Environment Setup - Chose Selenium Tools, Download Selenium Tools, Install Java, Extract Eclipse, Add Selenium Java Language bindings to Java Project, as well as Download & Install TestNG Testing Framework.)

4) Software Test Life Cycle / Test Process

(Software Test Life Cycle or Software Test Process, Software Test Planning, Test Design, Implementation & Execution, Evaluating Exit Criteria & Test Closure. Writing Test Plan, Test Cases, collecting Test Data, Defect Reporting, as well as creating Test Summary Report.)

5) Selenium Test Life Cycle / Test Process

(Selenium Test Life Cycle or Selenium Test Process, Selenium Test Planning, Generate Basic Tests, Enhance Test Cases, Running & Debugging Test Cases, Analyzing Test Results & Reporting Defects.)

II) Java Standard Edition for Selenium (34 Hours)

6) Overview of Java / Java for Selenium

(Java Standard Edition or Core Java, What is Java, Features of Java, Why Java for Selenium, Comments inwards Java, Java Data Types, Variables, Operators, Java Flow Control, Exception Handling, as well as Java Object Oriented Programming.)

7) Overview of Java Language Part-2

(Java Standard Edition or Core Java, What is Java, Features of Java, Why Java for Selenium, Comments inwards Java, Java Data Types, Variables, Operators, Java Flow Control, Exception Handling, as well as Java Object Oriented Programming.)

8) Java Environment Setup as well as Verify

(Java programming for Selenium, Java Environment Setup as well as Verify, Purpose of Java, Uses of Java, Java Syntax, as well as Write & Execute Java Programs. Download Java Software & Install, Download Eclipse IDE Software & extract, Set Environment variable path, Configure Eclipse IDE, as well as Write Java programs inwards Eclipse editor & Execute.)

9) Java Program Structure amongst an Example 

(Java Programming for Selenium, Java Programming Structure amongst an Example, Divisions of Java Program, Documentation inwards Java, Package Declaration inwards Java program, Class Declaration, Import Statement, master copy method inwards Java Programs, Declaring variables & Constants inwards Java, Writing conditional as well as Loop Statements inwards Java, as well as Declare methods & Call Methods inwards Java Programs.)

10) Java Comments, Data Types, as well as Modifiers

(Java for Selenium, Java Language Elements, Comments inwards Java, Purpose of Comments, Comments Syntax inwards Java, as well as Usage of Comments inwards Selenium Test Automation. Java Access as well as Non-Access Modifiers for using Variables, Constants, Methods, as well as Classes. Java Primitive as well as Non-Primitive Data Types, as well as Usage of Data Types for Declaring Variables, Constants, as well as Methods amongst returning values.)

11) Java Variables, as well as Operators

(Java for Selenium, Java Variables Declaration, Assign values to Variables, Java variable naming restrictions, as well as Types of Java Variables. Java Operators, Java Arithmetic Operators, Java Relational or Comparison Operators, Java Assignment Operators, as well as Java Logical Operators.)

12) Java Control Flow Statements

(Java for Selenium, Java Control Flow Statements, Java Decision Making Statements, Java Looping Statements, as well as Java Branching Statements. Types of Conditional statements inwards Java, Types of conditions, as well as usage of conditional Statements inwards Java. Java for loop, piece loop, exercise piece loop, as well as enhanced for loop.)

13) Java Control Flow Statements Part-2, String Handling.

(Java Control Flow Statements Part-2, String Handling, Java Looping Statements, exercise piece loop as well as Java Enhanced for loop. Java Branching Statements, suspension statement, conk on statement, as well as furnish statement. String treatment inwards Java, What is String?, Creating Strings, as well as String Operations inwards Java (String Concatenation, String Comparison, as well as Fine String Length).)

14) Arrays inwards Java, Java ArrayList

(Java for Selenium, Arrays inwards Java Programming, Create Arrays, Assign Values to Java Arrays, Copy Array, Find Size of Array, Print all Array Elements using for loop, impress all elements an Array using Enhanced for loop, Create Two Dimensional Arrays, as well as Advantages & Disadvantages of Arrays.)

15) Java IO Operations, File Handling

(Java Input as well as Output Operations, as well as File Handling inwards Java, Java for Selenium, Reading input inwards Java using Input Devices similar Keyboard as well as Mouse, Handling calculator Files inwards Java using File Class, as well as Output Operations inwards Java using System Class. Reading as well as Validating Input information inwards Java Programming.)

16) Java File Handling Part-2, Exception Handling

(Java Programming for Selenium, Read a text file, write information to a text file, read & write data, as well as exercise & delete folders. Exception Handling inwards Java, Arithmetic Exception, Null Pointer Exception, Number Format Exception, as well as Array out of bounds Exception. Java global & Local exceptions, as well as manual & Auto exceptions.)

17) Java Methods - User Defined Methods

(Java Programming for Selenium, Java Methods, Java User Defined Methods, Writing Methods (with furnish value), Perform operation/s as well as furnish value (Non-static method), Perform operation/s as well as furnish value (Static Method), as well as Writing Methods (without furnish value). Writing Java Methods, as well as Calling Java Methods.)

18) Java User Defined Methods Practicals

(Creating as well as Calling Java methods, Java Static as well as Non - static Methods, as well as usage of Java methods. Calling Java Methods from around other methods, methods amongst rerun value & methods without furnish value, as well as Calling Methods yesteryear invoking object & calling methods without object.)

19) Java Predefined Methods

(Java Predefined Methods for Selenium, Java String Methods, Java Number Methods, Java Charter Methods, as well as Java Array Methods. Java Programming for Functional Testing amongst Selenium, Comparing Strings, Concatenating Strings, Finding String Length, as well as Finding Sub String etc... Comparing Numbers, Comparing Characters, detect Array Length, as well as impress an Array.)

20) Java Methods-2, Java ArrayList

(Java Predefined Methods for Selenium, Java Character Methods, as well as Java Array Methods. ArrayList inwards Java, Dynamic Data Structure inwards Java, Create Java Array List, Add Elements to Java ArrayList, as well as Remove Elements from Java ArrayList. Create Object inwards Java as well as shop Java ArrayList Element.)

21) Java Inheritance

(Java programming for Selenium, Java Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals, Java Inheritance, Java Polymorphism, Java Abstraction, as well as Java Encapsulation. Creating Static as well as Non Static methods inwards Java, Reusing Java Class members without Inheritance as well as With Inheritance. Reusing Java Class members from 1 Class to another, 1 packet to another, as well as 1 projection to another.)

22) Java Polymorphism as well as Abstraction

(Java programming for Selenium, Java Object Oriented Concepts - Inheritance, PolyMorphism, Abstraction, as well as Encapsulation.  Compile Time Polymorphism or Method OverLoading, Run Time Polymorphism / Method Overriding, Create Java Abstract Classes, as well as Reuse Methods of Java Abstract Classes. Create Java Interfaces, as well as Reuse Java Interfaces using "implements" keyword.)

III) Selenium WebDriver Tutorials (32 Hours)

23) Introduction to Selenium WebDriver

(Introduction to Selenium WebDriver, Selenium WebDriver Environment Set, as well as Write kickoff Selenium Test Case & Execute. Versions of Selenium, Selenium 1.0, Selenium 2.0, Selenium 3.0 (Sep 2016), Selenium WebDriver Features, as well as Selenium WebDriver Drawbacks)

24) Selenium WebDriver Environment Setup

(Selenium WebDriver Environment Setup, Verify the Environment, as well as write kickoff Selenium Test Case & Execute. Features of Selenium WebDriver, Drawbacks of Selenium WebDriver, Test Automation Frameworks, as well as Creating Test Cases inwards Selenium WebDriver. Download Selenium WebDriver Java Language binding as well as add together to Java projection inwards Eclipse IDE, Write Selenium WebDriver Test Cases using Element Locators as well as WebDriver API Commands)

25) Write kickoff Selenium Test Case as well as Execute

(Selenium WebDriver Environment Setup as well as Write kickoff Selenium Test Case & Execute. Writing selenium WebDriver Test Case using Element Locators, Selenium WebDriver API Commands, as well as Java Programming Logic. Derive manual Test Cases from Test Requirements as well as thence Automate those Test cases using Selenium WebDriver, as well as Java Programming)

26) Web Elements as well as Operations on Web Elements

(Selenium WebDriver Fundamentals as well as Features, Web Elements , Operations on Web Elements, Operations on Browser, Operations on Page, Operations Link, Operations Edit Box, Operations Image, Operations Check Box, Operations Radio Button, Operations Web Table or HTML Table, as well as Operations Frame)

27) Element Locators inwards Selenium

(Element Locators inwards Selenium, Selenium supports 8 chemical factor locators to position elements inwards spider web pages, id, name, className, tagName, linkText, partialLinkText, cssSelecor, as well as xpath. Inspecting Elements inwards Selenium using diverse Browsers similar Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, IE Etc...)

28) Selenium WebDriver Commands as well as Operations

(Selenium WebDriver Commands Or Methods to write Selenium Test Cases, Selenium WebDriver Browser Commands, Browser Navigation Commands, WebDriver commands on full general Web Elements, as well as Selenium WebDriver verification commands. Selenium Webdriver get(), getCurrentUrl(), getTitle(), findElement, sendKeys, clear(), click, isDisplayed(), isEnabled(), as well as isselected Commands.)

29) Elements Handling inwards Selenium Part-1

(Selenium WebDriver Verification Commands or Methods, isDisplayed(), isEnabled() as well as isSelected(). Elements Handling inwards Selenium, Prerequistes to write Test cases, Element locators inwards Eelenium, Web Elements & of import Operations on the Web Elements. Handling Browser inwards selenium, Handling Edit box as well as Other Elements. Major Challenges inwards Functional Test Automation, Element Identification, as well as Environmental Issues.)

30) Elements Handling inwards Selenium Part-2

(Handling Elements inwards Selenium, Element Locators inwards Selenium, Inspecting Elements using Page Inspector as well as Firebug plug inwards Mozilla Firefox Browser, Developer Tools inwards Google Chrome as well as IE Browsers, Web Elements as well as Operations on Web Elements, Handling Browser, Handling edit Box, Handling Text Area, Handling Error message, as well as Handling Popup Window. Handling Links as well as Buttons inwards selenium.)

31) Elements Handling inwards Selenium Part-3

(Handling Elements inwards Selenium WebDriver, Element Locators inwards Selenium, Selenium WebDriver Commands, Web Elements, as well as Operations on the Web Elements. Handling Radio Button, Handling Check Box, Handling Drop Down Box, Handling Image, Handling Image Link, as well as Handling Image Button. Writing Selenium WebDriver Test Cases or Test Steps using Element Locators as well as Selenium WebDriver Commands.)

32) Elements Handling inwards Selenium Part-4

(Handling Elements inwards Selenium, Web Elements, Operations on spider web elements, Element Locators inwards Selenium, Selenium WebDriver API Commands, as well as Writing Selenium Test Steps. Handling Web Table or HTML Table, Handling Web Frames, as well as Handling iFrames. Working amongst duplicate Elements inwards Selenium, as well as working amongst xpath & cssSelector.)

33) Writing Selenium Test Cases

(Writing Selenium WebDriver Test Cases using Element Locator, WebDriver API Commands, Java Programming, as well as TestNG Testing Annotations. Writing Test Steps, identifying verification points, collecting Test Data, as well as preparing Expected Result for Positive & Negative Test Cases. Automating Manual Test Cases using Selenium, Java, as well as TestNG Testing Framework.)

34) Writing Selenium Test Cases Part-2

(Writing Test Cases using Element locators, WebDriver Commands, Java programming as well as TestNG Testing Framework Annotations. Writing Selenium WebDriver Test Cases, Write Test Steps, collect Test Data, add together comments, as well as insert verification points, Writing Positive as well as Negative Test Cases using valid input as well as writing Negative Test cases using invalid input, Exception treatment inwards Test Cases.)

35) Writing Selenium Test Cases Part-3

(Writing Test Cases using Element locators, WebDriver Commands, Java programming as well as TestNG Testing Framework Annotations. Writing Selenium WebDriver Test Cases, Write Test Steps, collect Test Data, add together comments, as well as insert verification points, Writing Positive as well as Negative Test Cases using valid input as well as writing Negative Test cases using invalid input, Exception treatment inwards Test Cases.)

36) Writing Selenium Test Cases Part-4

(Writing Selenium WebDriver Test Cases using Element Locators, Selenium WebDriver API Commands, as well as Java Programming Features. Data Driven Testing inwards Selenium WebDriver yesteryear Reading Test Data from a Text File, as well as Batch Testing inwards Selenium WebDriver using Reusable Components or User Defined Methods. Cross Browser Testing inwards Selenium yesteryear executing Test Cases using Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, as well as Microsoft Edge Browsers)

37) Writing Selenium Test Cases Part-5

(Positive as well as Negative Testing using Selenium, Cross Browser Testing amongst Selenium, What is Cross Browser Testing?, Purpose of Cross Browser Testing, Popular Browsers inwards the Information Technology Industry, Instantiate Browser drivers, Create browser Drivers, as well as Execute Test cases using unlike browsers similar Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox as well as Microsoft Edge)

38) Synchronization inwards Selenium, Introduction to Selenium IDE 

(What is Synchronization?, Why Sychronization?, When Synchronization is required?, How to Synchronize AUT as well as Test Tool (Selenium WebDriver), as well as How to larn the Synchronization Problem?. Introduction to Selenium IDE, Selenium IDE Features, Drawbacks of Selenium IDE, Selenium IDE Installation, Selenium IDE Tool Menus, Creating & Executing Selenium IDE Test Cases.)

IV) Selenium IDE Tutorial (2 Hours)

39) Selenium IDE Tutorial

(Introduction to Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment), Selenium IDE Installation, Selenium IDE Drawbacks, Selenium IDE Features, Menus of Selenium IDE tool, Create Test cases inwards Selenium IDE, Adding Comments inwards Selenium Test Cases, as well as Debugging Test Cases inwards Selenium IDE)

IV) TestNG Testing Framework for Selenium (8 Hours)

40) Introduction to TestNG Testing Framework

(Introduction to TestNG Testing Framework, What is TestNG Framework?, TestNG Testing Framework for System Testing, Features of TestNG, Advantages of TestNG Framework, Install TestNG Framework as well as write kickoff TestNG Program, as well as Create multiple Test Case as well as Run. Writing & Executing TestNG Test Cases, Prioritize Test Cases using "priority", "dependsOnMethods, "alwaysRun" Attributes, as well as Run Test Cases.)

41) TestNG Testing Framework for Selenium Part-2

(TestNG Testing Framework for Selenium, Introduction to TestNG Testing Framework, Install TestNG as well as write kickoff TestNG Program/Test case, Create Multiple Test instance as well as Run, Executing multiple programs / classes using XML, Grouping Test Cases, Prioritizing Test Cases, Parallel Testing using TestNG, as well as Parameterization using TestNG. TestNG Annotations, @Test, ABeforeMethod, @AfterMethod, @BeforeClass, QAfterClass, @BeforeTest, as well as @AfterTest.)

42) TestNG Testing Framework for Selenium Part-3

(TestNG Testing Framework for Selenium WebDriver, Create Test Cases using Selenium WebDriver, Java programming & TestNG Annotations. Executing multiple Program/Class using XML, Grouping Test Cases, as well as Parallel Testing (By Methods as well as Classes). TestNG Framework Program/Test Case Examples for Batch Testing, Prioritizing Test Cases as well as Parallel Testing)

43) TestNG Testing Framework for Selenium Part-4

(TestNG Testing Framework for Selenium, Data Driven Testing using, DataProvider Annotation, Download Excel jounce file & Add Excel jounce file to Java Project inwards Eclipse IDE, Create a Selenium Test Case, Create a Test Data file as well as Read the file, Conduct Data Driven Testing, Read Integer information from an external file as well as convert the information from String type to Integer Type)

V) Selenium Live Project (10 Hours)

44) Live Project Part-1

( Live Project -Functional Test Automation using Selenium
Project Information, Project Description, Stake Holders of the Project, Interfaces of the Project/AUT, Features to live on Tested inwards Admin Interface, Features to live on Tested inwards User Interface, Test Requirements, Test Scenarios, as well as Test Cases..., Derive Smoke Test Cases for Admin Interface, Derive Smoke Test Cases for User Interface, Derive Comprehensive (All Possible) Test Cases for Admin Interface..., as well as Derive Comprehensive (All Possible) Test Cases for User Interface...)

45) Live Project Part-2

( Live Project -Functional Test Automation using Selenium, Java, as well as TestNG Testing Framework.
Project Information, Project Description, Stake Holders of the Project, Interfaces of the Project/AUT, Features to live on Tested inwards Admin Interface, Features to live on Tested inwards User Interface, Test Requirements, Test Scenarios, as well as Test Cases..., Derive Smoke Test Cases for Admin Interface, Derive Smoke Test Cases for User Interface, Derive Comprehensive (All Possible) Test Cases for Admin Interface..., as well as Derive Comprehensive (All Possible) Test Cases for User Interface...)

46) Live Project Part-3

( Live Project -Functional Test Automation using Selenium, Java, as well as TestNG Testing Framework.
Project Information, Project Description, Stake Holders of the Project, Interfaces of the Project/AUT, Features to live on Tested inwards Admin Interface, Features to live on Tested inwards User Interface, Test Requirements, Test Scenarios, as well as Test Cases..., Derive Smoke Test Cases for Admin Interface, Derive Smoke Test Cases for User Interface, Derive Comprehensive (All Possible) Test Cases for Admin Interface..., as well as Derive Comprehensive (All Possible) Test Cases for User Interface...)

47) Live Project Part-4

48) Live Project Part-5

Selenium Interview Questions as well as Answers

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