Filters In JIRA

JIRA Issue tracking software provides much amend functionality for filtering too. We volition larn this inwards this article. It volition display you lot detail information whatever you lot needed. If you lot convey chiliad of bugs, hundreds of software projection nevertheless you lot tin sack easily abide by what you lot desire perfectly.

If nosotros convey posted issues on before days of the projection as well as you lot involve it inwards middle of the software projection thence you lot tin sack abide by it past times searching functionality. If you lot desire to Change or Edit the number thence you lot tin sack produce it as well as i time again salvage it.

Here are the steps for searching your issues:

Click on 'Issue' as well as pick out 'Open My Issue'. It volition display you lot the issues which convey been posted past times you.

After wards you lot tin sack able to run across below shroud where you lot tin sack run across listing of issues. We but completed i pace for finding our issues.

Now you lot tin sack run across unlike options on the left manus dashboard. 'My Open Issue’,’ Reported past times me', 'Recently Viewed’,’ All Issues' this are the pick for filtering issues of software project.

If you lot volition click on 'Reported past times me' pick thence JIRA volition display all the issues which convey been reported past times you. In 'Recently Viewed' pick you lot tin sack abide by the number which has been reviewed recently.
'All Issues' push displays all the posted issues.

Below Image displays about other means to search your issue. Here you lot tin sack able to run across unlike fields amongst drib downward menu.

As shown inwards figure, nosotros tin sack search issues past times selecting detail software project.
For example, you lot are having to a greater extent than than 10 projection as well as you lot desire to abide by an number which convey been posted a long fourth dimension ago. Now you lot involve to but pick out that projection from drib downward menu. Once you lot click on projection thence it volition display you lot drib downward card from where you lot tin sack pick out your software projection as well as abide by an number for it.

Same means you lot tin sack abide by number past times selecting Issue Type. See the below image.

Here you lot tin sack run across that, nosotros tin sack search past times i number type as well as to a greater extent than than i number type.
For Example, if you lot desire to search number which convey number type every bit ‘Bug’ thence pick out Type every bit Bug as well as click on search button. JIRA volition displayed you lot all the Bug type Issues.

In this ikon you lot tin sack run across that, Issues tin sack hold upwards finding past times condition also. If you lot desire to abide by issues past times its condition thence you lot tin sack abide by it from here. For event if developer desire to verify that how many issues are nevertheless inwards ‘ÓPEN’ condition thence he but needs to pick out ‘OPEN’ condition from the condition drib down.
Then JIRA volition display all the issues which convey Open status.

Here you lot tin sack verify issues past times to a greater extent than than i filter, similar pick out Project get-go as well as thence pick out Issue Type as well as Status afterwards wards click on search button.

Thus, JIRA volition display you lot proper result for detail project’s issues amongst selected number type as well as status.

You tin sack search issues past times selecting assigned someone also. For Example if you lot desire to abide by issues which convey been assigned to a grouping or a someone thence you lot tin sack produce it from here.

You tin sack search issues past times its text. Enter text on search champaign as well as click on search button. After wards JIRA volition display you lot all the issues which volition related to this context.

This all Filter tin sack hold upwards managed past times JIRA projection management software too. By clicking on ‘Save as’ push you lot tin sack create novel filter.

After creating filter, you lot tin sack salvage your filtered issues inwards it. This is the primal characteristic of JIRA.

As per the ikon you lot tin sack run across the favorite Filters on left manus side. This has been created for saving needed issues. You tin sack Delete this filter as well as Edit it.

Go to ‘Issues’ from principal shroud as well as thence pick out ‘Manage Filters’. You tin sack run across below shroud here.

You tin sack run across here, all the filters convey been managed here. You tin sack Delete as well as edit it. Even if you lot volition convey to a greater extent than filters thence you lot tin sack search it from hither also.

You tin sack verify issues from ‘Issues Navigator’ from profile tab.

This is the whole physical care for how you lot tin sack filter all the issues as well as create out it accordingly.

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