Part 4
16 : Can nosotros overload static methods?
Answer : Yes.. There is non whatsoever restriction to overload static methods. We tin overload static in addition to non static methods inwards java. VIEW MORE on overloading inwards java.
17 : Can nosotros purpose someone fellow member of bring upwardly shape inwards sub class?
17 : Can nosotros purpose someone fellow member of bring upwardly shape inwards sub class?
Answer : No.. It volition non let to purpose someone members similar someone method, variable of bring upwardly shape inwards nipper class. Private members are accessible exclusively within same class. VIEW MORE almost shape modifiers.
18 : What is an interface inwards java?
Answer : An interface is a blueish impress of a shape which tin stand upwardly for abstract methods (Methods without implementation) only. It creates Rules To Follow construction for shape where It Is Implemented. We tin hit 100% abstraction using interface inwards java. READ MORE almost interface inwards java.
19 : Can nosotros access protected method of bring upwardly shape inwards sub class?
Answer : Yes.. We tin access protected members of bring upwardly shape inwards all it's sub classes in addition to classes within the same package. VIEW EXAMPLE on how to access protected method inwards sub class.
20 : What is an array inwards java?
Answer : An array is container object inwards coffee which tin stand upwardly for fixed expose of values of same type. VIEW ARTICLE on array.