Create Required .xls Files For Selenium WebDriver Data Driven Framework


Prerequisite : All required shape files should live on created equally described In STEP 5.

After creating all required classes nether dissimilar packages, Now It Is fourth dimension to arrive at required .xls files. Please regime notation hither that this framework volition non back upwardly .xlsx files but It volition back upwardly exclusively .xls files thence delight create exclusively .xls files equally described bellow. In our selenium WebDriver software testing Framework, We volition
Programmatically read the dissimilar .xls files to recollect Suites Name, SuiteToRun flags, Test cases names, CaseToRun flags, Test information for dissimilar examination cases as well as many to a greater extent than things as well as and then feed all these information to our examination suites as well as examination cases. Also nosotros volition write the results or execution condition In .xls files at the cease of examination cases. Anyways, Don't regard all these things at this phase because nosotros volition acquire all these things pace past times pace In my upcoming posts. Right straightaway your chore Is to add together bellow given 3 .xls files nether com.stta.ExcelFiles package.

Click on bellow given links i past times i to download .xls files as well as and then add together them In com.stta.ExcelFiles ("E:\backup\Training\WDDF\src\com\stta\ExcelFiles") parcel Folder.

  1. TestSuiteList.xls
  2. SuiteOne.xls
  3. SuiteTwo.xls
Now "com.stta.ExcelFiles" parcel volition looks similar bellow.

Note : Don't alter whatsoever affair In whatsoever .xls files.

"TestSuiteList.xls" File Explaination
Now opened upwardly "TestSuiteList.xls" file. If you lot aspect In file, 1st sheet's advert Is "SuitesList". Inside "SuitesList" sheet, There are full 3 columns equally bellow.
  1. SuiteName : It will live on used for listing all available examination suites. Initially nosotros are using exclusively 2 examination suites In our software testing information driven framework creation thence listed exclusively 2 examination suites(SuiteOne as well as SuiteTwo). Later on you lot tin add together to a greater extent than examination suites In this list.
  2. SuiteToRun : This column volition live on used to arrive at upwardly one's take away heed that specific examination suite should live on executed or not. If gear upwardly "Y" In this column as well as then that specific examination suite volition live on executed. If gear upwardly "N" In this column describes that specific suite volition non execute or you lot tin tell you lot wants to skip execution of that specific examination suite.
  3. Skipped/Executed : This column volition live on used to write specific examination suite was executed or not. Right straightaway It Is blank but It volition live on gear upwardly to "Skipped" or "Executed" during examination suite execution.

"SuiteOne.xls" as well as "SuiteTwo.xls" Files Explaination
If you lot volition opened upwardly whatsoever of the file from "SuiteOne.xls" as well as "SuiteTwo.xls", 1st canvas advert volition live on "TestCasesList". This canvas has full 3 columns equally bellow.
  1. TestCaseName : Test cases of that specific suite volition live on listed In this column.
  2. CaseToRun : You tin gear upwardly examination example execution vogue In this column.
  3. Pass/Fail/Skip : Test example "Pass" or "Fail" or "Skip" condition volition live on reported automatically In this column at the cease of each examination example execution.

There are to a greater extent than 2 sheets Inside "SuiteOne.xls" as well as "SuiteTwo.xls" files. Both those sheets volition live on used to shop examination information for specific examination example of software application. Example : In "SuiteOne.xls" file, "SuiteOneCaseOne" canvas volition live on used to shop information of examination example shape "". Same agency "SuiteOneCaseTwo" canvas volition live on used to shop information of examination example shape "". Same affair apply for "SuiteTwo.xls" file.

Rule : 
Please Remember always :- Test shape advert of your eclipse project(Example :, TestCaseName In "TestCasesList" sheet(SuiteOneCaseOne) as well as Test Data Sheet advert (SuiteOneCaseOne) must live on ever same equally shown In bellow given Image. So when ever you lot arrive at novel examination example nether whatsoever examination suite In this framework, Keep this affair In your mind.

Test Data Sheets Explanation
If you lot volition opened upwardly whatsoever information sheet(Example : SuiteOneCaseOne) from "SuiteOne.xls" as well as "SuiteTwo.xls" files, you lot volition come across bellow given columns In each sheet.
  1. Data 1 Column, Data 2 Column, Data 3 Column : All these 3 columns volition live on used to shop examination information for that specific examination example for software spider web application. You tin Increase or decrease these column's advert equally per your examination example information requirement.
  2. Expected Result Column : You tin shop expected trial information In this column to compare amongst actual result.
  3. DataToRun : This column volition live on used to arrive at upwardly one's take away heed that specific information trouble should live on executed or not. If gear upwardly "N" as well as then that specific information gear upwardly trouble volition live on non executed. If gear upwardly "Y" as well as then that specific information gear upwardly trouble volition live on executed.
  4. Pass/Fail/Skip : Result volition live on reported automatically In this column As per expected as well as actual trial matching criteria. Result tin live on "Pass" or "Fail" or "Skip".

This way, You necessitate to add together to a higher house given .xls files amongst specified format for your information driven framework of software spider web application. Initially nosotros volition add together exclusively 2 examination suites each having 2 examination cases. Each examination example bring 2 information sets.

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