Data Driven Framework In Selenium WebDriver - Creating Required Class Files


Prerequisite : Jar files should live on added In software testing project's construct path As described In Step 4.
(Special Note : Please don't skip whatever of the previous steps.).

Now Its fourth dimension to practice all required class(.java) files nether dissimilar packages. In our selenium WebDriver software testing information driven framework, We convey to create i base of operations course of didactics for all the exam suites of project. We convey to
create i base of operations course of didactics for each together with every exam suite. And then, We convey to create split upwardly classes for each exam representative In each exam suite. In our information driven framework for software spider web application, Initially nosotros volition practice alone 2 exam suites having 2 exam cases In each. Later on, You tin practice to a greater extent than exam suites together with exam cases every bit per your software spider web application's requirement. Follow the steps of exam cases together with exam suites course of didactics creation.

(Note : All course of didactics files names should live on same every bit given bellow. Please see representative sensitivity when giving course of didactics file name.)

"com.stta.TestSuiteBase" Package
Create bellow given course of didactics file nether "com.stta.TestSuiteBase" Package.
  1. - We volition exercise this course of didactics file every bit a principal base of operations course of didactics file for both the exam suites (com.stta.SuiteOne, com.stta.SuiteTwo) for software spider web application.
"com.stta.SuiteOne" Package
This packet volition live on considered every bit a exam suite i together with volition practice exam suite i related classes nether this package. Create bellow given course of didactics files nether "com.stta.SuiteOne" Package. Later on, You tin practice to a greater extent than exam representative classes nether whatever suite.
  1. - This course of didactics volition live on used every bit base of operations course of didactics of exam suite one.
  2. - This course of didactics volition live on used every bit exam representative i of suite one.
  3. - This course of didactics volition live on used every bit exam representative 2 of suite one.
"com.stta.SuiteTwo" Package
This packet volition live on considered every bit a exam suite two and volition practice exam suite 2 related classes nether this package.Create bellow given course of didactics files nether "com.stta.SuiteTwo" Package.

  1. - This course of didactics volition live on used every bit base of operations course of didactics of exam suite two.
  2. - This course of didactics volition live on used every bit exam representative i of suite two.
  3. - This course of didactics volition live on used every bit exam representative 2 of suite two.
"com.stta.utility" Package
This packet volition live on considered every bit utility packet together with framework's utility related classes volition live on created nether this package. At present, practice bellow given 2 packages together with after on volition practice to a greater extent than classes If required.
  1. - Functions related to read information from .xls files volition live on volition live on created In this class.
  2. - Utility functions volition live on created In this class.
Now your packages construction volition looks similar bellow.

We are going real ho-hum In information driven framework creation together with I am trying to encompass each together with every betoken from real basic marking thus that whatever i tin practice together with sympathise this framework real easily.

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