Download Required Jar Files For Selenium WebDriver Data Driven Framework

Prerequisite : Project Structure should last created equally described In Step 2.

Next measuring Is to download all required supporting jounce files for our selenium webdriver software testing tool's information driven framework. Let me state you lot which software jounce files volition last required for creating selenium webdriver information driven framework. First of all, nosotros volition download all of them ane yesteryear ane as well as and then volition shop them In "JarFiles" folder which Is created nether "WDDF" projection In Step 2.

You tin download all bellow listed jounce files from THIS PAGE likewise excepting webdriver jounce files.

1. Download Apache POI API Jar Files: 
We volition role Apache POI API to read information from .xls file as well as write information In .xls file. To teach back upwardly of Apache POI API, nosotros involve to Include Apache POI API's jounce files In our project's stimulate path of software automation testing.

To Download Apache POI API Jar files, GO TO THIS PAGE as well as click on link "poi-bin-3.10-FINAL-20140208.tar.gz" (Version 3.10 may alter In future.) under Binary Distribution table. It volition accept you lot to mirror sites listing page to download Apache POI API Jar files folder. Click on whatever mirror site link as well as download as well as extract the folder.

You volition respect bellow given files Inside that folder or It's sub folders. Copy all bellow given software files as well as glue them In "JarFiles" folder of "WDDF" project.
  1. poi-3.10-FINAL-20140208.jar
  2. poi-ooxml-3.10-FINAL-20140208.jar
  3. poi-ooxml-schemas-3.10-FINAL-20140208.jar
  4. xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar (Inside ooxml-lib folder)
  5. dom4j-1.6.1.jar (Inside ooxml-lib folder)
(Note : Above jounce files versions may alter In future. Always Use latest version only.).

2. Download Apache log4j Jar File:
We volition role Apache log4j logging software service to generate log during examination execution as well as for that nosotros involve to Include It's jounce file In our project's stimulate path.

READ THIS POST to know from where to download Apache log4j jounce file. You volition teach bellow given file from download. Copy bellow given file as well as glue It In "JarFiles" folder of "WDDF" project.
  1. log4j-1.2.17.jar
(Note : Above jounce files versions may alter In future. Always Use latest version only.).

3. Download Required Jar Files For Selenium WebDriver
If you lot are using selenium webdriver as well as then you lot volition last already aware virtually which all jounce files required for selenium webdriver. There are multiple webdriver supporting jounce files as well as you lot volition teach all of them In ane zilch folder when you lot volition download It.

READ THIS POST to know from where to download WebDriver jounce files. After downloading the zilch folder, Extract It. After extraction, You volition teach folder amongst cite similar "selenium-x.xx.x". Open that folder as well as re-create all files from folder "selenium-x.xx.x" as well as Its sub folder "libs" as well as glue all of them In "JarFiles" folder of "WDDF" project.

4. Download Required jars as well as other files for XSLT Report Generation
For generating Interactive XSLT reports of examination execution result, You volition involve to download ZIP folder from THIS SITE. You tin also download folder from this Alternate Download Location.

You volition respect bellow given files from downloaded folder "testng-xslt-1.1.2-master" -> "lib" folder. Copy both of them as well as glue them In "JarFiles" folder of "WDDF" project.
  1. saxon-8.7.jar
  2. SaxonLiaison.jar
You volition respect bellow given file at downloaded folder path-> testng-xslt-1.1.2-master\src\main\resources. Copy "testng-results.xsl" file as well as glue It In "com.stta.xslt" parcel of  "WDDF" project.
  1. testng-results.xsl
Also download "testng-xslt-maven-plugin-test-0.0.jar" from HERE and glue In "JarFiles" folder of "WDDF" project.

So now, Your "JarFiles" folder as well as "com.stta.xslt" parcel conduct maintain files equally shown In bellow given Image.

We volition Include to a greater extent than jounce files In time to come If required.

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