Prerequisite : All previous (STEP 1 to STEP 11) selenium exam framework creation steps should live on Implemented.
As described In previous post, Your exam execution condition volition live on reported In testng study automatically past times
SkipException. But If y'all wants to study execution condition (Skipped or Executed) In excel file therefore 1 time to a greater extent than y'all accept to alter and files. How To Report Suite Execution Status In Excel
If y'all know, We accept "WriteResultUtility" business office In SuiteUtility class. We volition role this business office In our both exam suite's base of operations files to study execution condition In TestSuiteList.xls file. Before exam suite execution, It volition cheque the "SuiteToRun" flag for that specific exam suite. And study "Skipped/Executed" = "Skipped" status against that exam suite If "SuiteToRun" = "N". Same way, If institute "SuiteToRun" = "Y" therefore It volition study "Skipped/Executed" = "Executed" status against that exam suite In TestSuiteList.xls file.
Extract the downloaded folder as well as supervene upon those files amongst existing files of "WDDF" projection In Eclipse every bit described bellow.
(Note : It should supervene upon existing file when glue It on package. It should non Insert novel file.)
- Paste File on com.stta.SuiteOne Package.
- Paste File on com.stta.SuiteTwo Package.
Now opened upward your TestSuiteList.xls file from "com.stta.ExcelFiles" folder of "WDDF" projection as well as ready "SuiteToRun" = "N" for "SuiteTwo" every bit shown bellow.
Now relieve the TestSuiteList.xls file as well as closed It.
Run Test Suite To Report Execution Status
Note : Before running exam suite, Please brand certain that your all .xls files are closed. If whatever file Is opened upward therefore y'all volition teach an mistake during exam suite execution.
Now nosotros are all ready for running exam suite. Run your both exam suites using testng.xml file In eclipse. When eclipse completes execution, opened upward TestSuiteList.xls file as well as verify that execution condition Is updated or non against both exam suites. You volition run into number every bit shown bellow.
As y'all tin rank the sack run into In higher upward Image, "SuiteOne" has been marked every bit "Executed" as well as "SuiteTwo" has been marked every bit "Skipped" using our selenium webdriver information driven automation framework.
Run Test Suite To Report Execution Status
Note : Before running exam suite, Please brand certain that your all .xls files are closed. If whatever file Is opened upward therefore y'all volition teach an mistake during exam suite execution.
Now nosotros are all ready for running exam suite. Run your both exam suites using testng.xml file In eclipse. When eclipse completes execution, opened upward TestSuiteList.xls file as well as verify that execution condition Is updated or non against both exam suites. You volition run into number every bit shown bellow.
As y'all tin rank the sack run into In higher upward Image, "SuiteOne" has been marked every bit "Executed" as well as "SuiteTwo" has been marked every bit "Skipped" using our selenium webdriver information driven automation framework.