Popular Software Technologies

Popular Software Technologies

1) Java
2) Python
4) JavaScript
5) SQL
6) CSS
7) Adobe Flash
8) R
9) C#
10) Scratch

I) Popular Programming Languages

1) C
2) Java
4) C++
5) R
6) C#
7) PHP
8) JavaScript
9) Ruby
10) Go

II) Popular Database Management Systems

1) Oracle
2) MySQL
3) Microsoft SQL Server
4) PostgreSQL
5) MongoDB
6) DB2
7) Cassandra
8) Microsoft Access
9) SQLite
10) Redis

III) Popular Computer Operating Systems

1) Microsoft Windows
2) Macintosh OS
3) Linux
4) Ubuntu
5) Fedora
6) Chrome OS

IV) Popular Browsers (As per usage share)

1) Google Chrome
2) Mozilla Firefox
3) Internet Explorer
4) Safari
5) Opera
Popular Software Technologies (as per google search trends)

1) Java

Java is a High-level Programming Language, It tin last used to create consummate Software Applications that may run on a unmarried estimator or last distributed amid servers too clients inward a network.

Java was developed past times Lord's Day Microsystems too released inward 1995, which was afterward acquired past times the Oracle Corporation.
2) Python

Python is an slow to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level information structures too a uncomplicated only effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python was created past times Guido van Rossum during 1985- 1990. 

HyperText Markup Language is a linguistic communication for describing web-pages using ordinary text. HTML is non a complex programming language.
HTML is a formal Recommendation past times the WWW Consortium too is to a greater extent than oftentimes than non adhered to past times the pop browsers.
4) JavaScript

JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming linguistic communication of HTML too the Web.

In Web development,

HTML to define the content of spider web pages, CSS to specify the layout of spider web pages too JavaScript to plan the deportment of spider web pages.
5) SQL

Structured Query Language is a touchstone linguistic communication for accessing databases.

SQL is used to access too manipulate information inward Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, Access, Sybase, DB2, too other database management systems.
6) CSS

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is a linguistic communication that describes the style of an HTML document.

CSS handles the hold off too experience role of a spider web page. Using CSS, nosotros tin command the color of the text, the style of fonts etc...
7) Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash is a multimedia software platform for production of animations, rich Internet applications, desktop applications, mobile applications too mobile games. 

Flash displays text, vector graphics too raster graphics to render animations, video games too applications. 

Flash  allows streaming of well too video, too tin capture mouse, keyboard, microphone too photographic tv set camera input.
8) R

R is a linguistic communication too surroundings for statistical computing too graphics. R provides a broad multifariousness of statistical (linear too nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, …) too graphical techniques, too is highly extensible.
9) C#

C# is a simple, general-purpose, object-oriented programming linguistic communication developed past times Microsoft too it is a role of .Net Framework.

C# linguistic communication is object oriented, element oriented, too structured language. It produces efficient programs that tin last compiled on a multifariousness of estimator platforms.
10) Scratch

Scratch is a programming linguistic communication that makes it slow to create interactive art, stories, simulations too games.

Scratch tin too last used for a hit of educational too amusement constructionist purposes from math too scientific discipline projects.
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