Introduction to SQL

SQL Tutorial 1: Introduction to SQL

1) What is SQL?
2) Purpose of SQL
3) Who should larn SQL?
4) What are the subsets of SQL?
5) Data definition Language
6) Data Manipulation Language
7) Data Control Language
1) What is SQL?

•  SQL stands for Structured Query Language
•  SQL was initially developed at IBM inwards 1970s
•  SQL is the touchstone linguistic communication to communicate amongst relational database management systems similar Oracle, MS Access, MS SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, Sybase Etc...
2) Purpose of SQL

•  SQL is used to Create New Databases
•  SQL is used to Create New Tables inwards a Database
•  SQL is used to  Insert records inwards a Database
•  SQL is used to Update records inwards a Database
•  SQL is used to Delete records inwards a Database
•  SQL is used to Retrieve information from a Database
•  SQL is used to  execute queries against a Database
•  SQL tin prepare permissions on tables, procedures too views
•  SQL is used to Create stored procedures inwards a Database
•  SQL is used to Create views inwards a Database
3) Who should larn SQL?

i) Database Developers

•  Design too deploy Database tabular array structures, forms, reports too queries etc...

ii) Database Administrators (DBA)

•  Keeping databases upward to engagement too managing database access
•  Writing Reports, documentation too operating manuals

iii) Database Testers

•  Verify Data Integrity
•  Verify Data Manipulations (Add, Update too Delete)
•  Verify Data comparisons
4) What are the subsets of SQL?

SQL Commands tin move classified inwards to groups based on their nature, they are,
i) Data definition Language
ii) Data Manipulation Language
iii) Data Control Language
5) Data definition Language

Important Commands too Operations inwards Data definition Language

i) Create: To practise databases too database objects

ii) Alter: To modification existing database objects

iii) Drop: To drib databases too databases objects

iv) Truncate: To take all records from a table

v) Rename: To rename database objects
6) Data Manipulation Language

Important Commands too Operations inwards Data Manipulation Language

i) Select: To pick out specific information from a database

ii) Insert: To insert novel records inwards a table

iii) Update: To update existing records

iv) Delete: To delete existing records from a table
7) Data Control Language
Important Commands too Operations inwards Data Control Language

i) Grant: To supply access on the Database objects to the users

ii) Revoke: to take user access rights to the database objects

iii) Deny: To deny permissions to users.

SQL Tutorial 2: SQL Overview

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