Java Programming for Selenium

Java Programming for Selenium

1) Java for Selenium Part 1

(Java Environment Setup on MS Windows, Write & Execute a Java Program using Windows Command Prompt, Write Java programs using Eclipse IDE, Java Syntax Rules, and Java Program Structure)
2) Java for Selenium Part 2

(Java Programming Example alongside all Java Programming features such equally Modifiers, Data Types, Variables, Operators, Flow Control Statements, Methods etc.., Comments inward Java Programs)
3) Java for Selenium Part 3

(Java Data Types, Modifiers as well as Variables inward Java) 
4) Java for Selenium Part 4

(Java Operators as well as Conditional Statements)
5) Java for Selenium Part 5

(Java Loop Statements, String Handling inward Java)
6) Java for Selenium Part 6

(Java Arrays, Input as well as Output Operations inward Java)
7) Java for Selenium Part 7

(Java exception Handling, File Handling inward Java)
8) Java for Selenium Part 8

(User Defined Methods inward Java)
9) Java for Selenium Part 9

(Java Built-in Methods)
10) Java for Selenium Part 10

(Java Inheritance as well as Polymorphism)
11) Java for Selenium Part 11

(Java Abstraction, Interfaces, Encapsulation)
Java for Selenium the Conclusion
Programming for Test Automation (To Write Test Scripts)

Selenium supports 6 Programming Languages (Java, C#.NET, Python, Perl, Ruby as well as PHP), nosotros tin purpose whatever ane of those languages to write Test Scripts inward Selenium.

• Java Fundamentals (Data Types, Modifiers, Variables, Operators, Flow Control Statements, Input as well as Output Operations, String Handling, Arrays, Exception Handling, File Handling, Built-in Methods, as well as User defined Methods) 
And Java OOPS (Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction as well as Encapsulation) are enough for Test Automation alongside Selenium.

Use Java Programming for writing Test Scripts.  

Why Java? Why can't nosotros purpose other Languages?

•  Selenium written inward Java, It doesn't hateful that Java solely to a greater extent than compatible alongside Selenium, nosotros tin purpose other supported programming languages also.•  Majority of Selenium Testers (nearly 77%) using Java to write Test Scripts, then noesis sharing is real easy.•  Good back upwardly for Selenium alongside Java, You tin popular off to a greater extent than Help documentation as well as code implementations from meshwork when it compares to other supported languages.•  Java is platform independent language, nosotros tin purpose on whatever Operating environment.  
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