Configure Project In Eclipse For Appium

Earlier nosotros learnt how to setup environs inward windows for run appium automation project, SDK installation, usage of tools like UI Automator Viewer to locate android app elements etc. Now everything is ready too nosotros are simply measuring away from running appium exam inward android device. Before that nosotros take away to create projection inward eclipse hence let's configure projection inward eclipse for appium. Bellow given steps volition say yous how to setup appium project. I promise most of yous already knows all these things but even hence permit me depict yous how to configure outset appium projection inward eclipse.

PREREQUISITE : All previous 11 STEPS should last completed without whatever error.

Create New Project In Eclipse

Before creating novel projection In eclipse, You must last aware virtually how to download Eclipse IDE, How to attain workspace for project, Creating novel projection too packet In eclipse too adding scandalize files In your project's attain path. I get got already described all these matter In THIS POST so I volition non repeat It here.
  • Start Eclipse IDE. It volition enquire yous to laid workspace If yous are using It outset time.
  • Set workspace.
  • Create novel project(With your desired name. For me It Is MavenProject1) In eclipse alongside packet name Android.
  • Install TestNG : I promise testng is already installed inward your eclipse. View THIS POST to know how to install testng inward eclipse.
Not using maven?
If yous are non using maven alongside eclipse too hence follow bellow given steps inward eclipse.

Download Latest Jars of WebDriver too Appium Client Libraries
We take away to add together latest version scandalize files of selenium webdriver too Appium Client Libraries inward our project's attain path.
  • You tin sack download scandalize files for selenium webdriver from THIS POST for to a greater extent than detail.
  • You tin sack download latest version of appium client libraries(java-client-x.x.x.jar where x.x.x is electrical flow latest version of jar) from THIS PAGE. Click on Java link, It volition get got yous on scandalize file download page.

  • Then click on jar link equally shown bellow. It volition start downloading appium client libraries scandalize file.
Download Latest Jar File Of google-gson
You also need google-gson's latest scandalize file. Current latest version Is 2.3.1. You volition detect google-gson download link on THIS PAGE.

Add scandalize files inward project's attain path
Now nosotros get got selenium webdriver, appium customer libraries and gson jar files.

HERE yous tin sack larn how to add together scandalize files inward project's attain path
  • Add selenium webdriver scandalize files inward project's attain path.
  • Add java-client-x.x.x.jar in project's attain path.
  • Add gson-x.x.x.jar in project's attain path.
That's it..

Using maven?
If yous are using maven projection administration tool alongside eclipse too hence no take away to add together inward a higher house scandalize files inward project's attain path but yous get got to add together Selenium WebDriver, Appium Java Client Libraries too gson dependencies inward pom.xml file.
  • Visit THIS PAGE to detect selenium webdriver dependency.
  • Visit THIS PAGE to detect Appium Java Client Libraries dependency.
  • Visit THIS PAGE to find gson dependency.
Current latest dependencies for selenium, appium coffee customer too gson  are equally bellow. It may alter inward time to come hence update accordingly.

<dependency> <groupId>org.seleniumhq.selenium</groupId> <artifactId>selenium-java</artifactId> <version>2.47.1</version> </dependency>   <dependency> <groupId>io.appium</groupId> <artifactId>java-client</artifactId> <version>3.1.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>gson</artifactId> <version>2.3.1</version> </dependency>

This is all virtually appium projection configuration inward eclipse for maven too non maven users.

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