Metrics Dashboard is to a greater extent than or less other characteristic which is given past times Test Link. As scream propose it is all almost Dashboard. We are going to acquire almost reviewing dash board inwards Test Link.
Dashboard volition supply y'all information almost selected exam project. You volition live on able to come across all the exam illustration execution especial here. Only Active Test illustration is displayed on this screen.
If Project is inactive hence metrics dashboard is non working for that exam project. Project must live on active hence active component volition live on displayed on screen.
As projection unloose volition arrive, a tester volition run the exam cases too accordingly all especial volition live on generated too displayed on dashboard.
All information volition live on displayed inwards percentage. How many exam cases are executed? How many exam cases are remaining? How many exam cases are failed? How many exam cases are blocked? How many exam cases are passed successfully? How many exam cases are non run? This all information is displayed on Dashboard.
Date is too mentioned on screen. When y'all do dashboard it volition live on displayed inwards bottom of the covert hence y'all tin dismiss verify whole information appointment wise.
Overall progress of a exam innovation volition live on displayed on screen. It is a quick await of exam projection progress. Whole lawsuit of execution exam cases volition live on displayed hither alongside proper percentage.
Test link is providing us this functionality for verifying exam projection growth. Test director tin dismiss review running exam projection from this dashboard information.
Dashboard is non for client. We cannot post projection progress every bit dashboard screen. For that nosotros tin dismiss do projection reports which nosotros volition acquire inwards adjacent article.
You tin dismiss conduct dissimilar pick from Dashboard filed. As per the projection progress it volition display y'all the information inwards grouping y'all require to expand it. Next pick is every bit per your selected ‘column it volition display y'all information.
You volition come across it inwards given image. Now adjacent pick is ‘Refresh’ too ‘Reset the filters’. This all pick is given for a exam projection which is maintained past times exam link for real long period.
Now nosotros volition do the steps for generating metrics dashboard for a exam project.
As nosotros convey idea, nosotros require to login alongside Test link. Then Select a exam projection for which y'all require to generate dashboard.
Now y'all volition navigate on abode page from where y'all require to conduct ‘Metrics Dashboard’ from Test Execution tab.
Refer to a higher house image; hither y'all require to conduct ‘Metrics Dashboard’. As nosotros volition click on it y'all volition navigate to to a greater extent than or less other page.
This is the master copy icon which describes Metrics Dashboard. As y'all tin dismiss come across hither a exam projection is already selected. The adjacent information is displayed almost Test cases Status.
All information is displayed alongside percentage. ‘Not Run’ exam cases , ‘Passed’ Test cases , ‘Failed’ Test cases , ‘Blocked’ Test cases , These all condition of exam cases too it volition live on displayed every bit per image.
Moving forward, nosotros tin dismiss come across overall projection progress. This volition display active exam cases , Not run, Passed, Failed too block exam illustration condition inwards per centum too hence inwards final Test link volition display Total Progress inwards percentage. You tin dismiss verify it inwards image.
As nosotros convey discussed if exam projection is maintained for long hence it volition convey grouping for Extend, it volition convey to a greater extent than column to display proper data, Refresh Button too Set Filter option.
Afterwards y'all tin dismiss come across Date too fourth dimension inwards Dashboard. In icon it is displayed. Dashboard is real practiced pick for verify Day to Day progress.
This is all almost Metrics Dashboard inwards Test link.