Prerequisite : STEP 1 to STEP 8 should live on Implemented In information driven framework creation for webdriver software automation tool. If you lot bring followed all the information driven framework creating steps too thus I am certain that you lot volition live on succeed to read information from SuiteOneCaseOne test information canvass of SuiteOne.xls file for SuiteOneCaseOne examination example every bit described In STEP 8. Now Its fourth dimension to Implement same information reading examination In all remaining 3 software examination cases of both the examination suites to brand certain that everything Is fine till straightaway In information driven framework creation for webdriver software automation tool.
Read to a greater extent than tutorials on selenium WebDriver @Tutorials Part 1 and @Tutorials Part 2.
Download Required Files
To Implement information reading examination In remaining examination cases for software spider web application, I bring prepared remaining examination cases files. You tin order notice download them i yesteryear i yesteryear clicking on bellow given links.
- Download File
- Download File
- Download File
- Download File
Now copy-paste to a higher house downloaded files i yesteryear i every bit described bellow to supercede existing files.
(Note : It should supercede existing file when glue It on package. It should non Insert novel file.)
- Paste File on com.stta.SuiteOne Package.
- Paste File on com.stta.SuiteTwo Package.
- Paste File on com.stta.SuiteTwo Package.
- Paste File on com.stta.SuiteTwo Package.
If you lot await at and Files, I bring set FilePath's value to "TestCaseListExcelTwo". It Is because, For both these examination cases, We bring to read information from SuiteTwo.xls File. Also both these examination cases volition read too impress information from alone iii examination information columns because in that place are available alone 3 examination information columns In related examination example information sheets.
Running Test
Now you lot are laid to run all to a higher house iii examination cases bone selenium webdriver software testing tool In your eclipse. Run them i yesteryear i too verify console too Testng result. Console outcome should check alongside targeted canvass information for each examination example every bit bellow.
- File's console outcome should check with SuiteOneCaseTwo canvass of SuiteOne.xls file.
- File's console outcome should check with SuiteTwoCaseOne sheet of SuiteTwo.xls file.
- File's console outcome should check with SuiteTwoCaseTwo sheet of SuiteTwo.xls file.
If all results math every bit described to a higher house too thus your examination information reading configuration Is fine for both software testing examination suites.